2021 AFCA Convention To Be Held Virtually
September 1, 2020
In an abundance of caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 AFCA Convention will be held online. The health and safety of AFCA members was a primary factor in this decision. The annual convention will still include educational sessions, business meetings and awards presentations, all held in a virtual setting.
More Info: 2021 Virtual Convention Info Page
“We appreciate all parties’ tremendous work on our season, our efforts toward our student-athletes and the overall good of college football,” Todd Berry, AFCA Executive Director said. “This has been a difficult year and those efforts are greatly appreciated. In recognition of our many partners’ decisions to postpone seasons, we waited until what we felt was the last minute to transition to a virtual environment. After reviewing Nashville’s roadmap for reopening, there is no definitive date as to when a convention our size could be accommodated. Based off of our timeline, we know this to be our best decision. In the next few months, we now have time to prepare the best possible virtual convention for our AFCA membership. We are excited about the opportunities this brings us in the future to provide more content to our membership. We share the frustration about not having an in-person convention but are excited to reach our members in other ways.”
The dates for the business portion of 2021 AFCA Convention are January 4-7, and the educational portion is scheduled for January 12-14, but are under review as we continue to monitor the global pandemic and its impact on college and high school football seasons. More information on the convention, such as schedule, speakers and online events, will come out soon.
2021 AFCA Virtual Coaching Convention FAQs
Yes. Coaches will still be able to earn PDS/HSCA credits from select sessions during the virtual event and submit them to receive a PDS/HSCA certificate. More information on how to input credits and download/print your certificates is available here.
Visit our website and click the “Login” button in the top right of the screen. Enter your username and password to sign in to the membership portal. If you haven’t logged in since 11/1/2019, send an email to [email protected] to request a reset of your login credentials.
Once in the portal, click on the “Digital Library” link at the top. It should open a new tab/window, so be sure to disable your pop-up blocker. Only those with an active AFCA membership will be able to gain access to the Digital Library.
No. All that is needed will be an active AFCA membership at the time of the event—the membership will give you access to our virtual convention. If your membership expires prior to the event, please purchase or renew your membership so that you have access.
Virtual education sessions from the convention will be made available for viewing throughout the duration of the event (January 12-14, 2021). After the event concludes, videos will temporarily be unavailable. However, they will be made available for on-demand viewing at a later date.
Yes. If you are ever unable to attend a convention for any reason, if you have paid your dues for that year, it counts towards your 35 years of membership.
To guarantee access on the first day of the convention, please purchase or renew your membership no later than December 16, 2020. If your membership is currently inactive or was last renewed at or before the 2020 AFCA Convention, please be sure to renew your membership. Your membership must expire AFTER the convention dates (January 12-14, 2021) in order to gain access to the convention materials.
If you wish to renew your entire staff on one transaction, please reach out to our Membership Department by sending an email to [email protected] or calling our office at 254-754-9900.
For a tutorial on how to renew your membership online, please watch the video below.
Those committees that need to meet will be able to conduct their meetings via Microsoft Teams during the week of January 4-7. Links will be sent out prior to the meetings, but only active members will receive emailed links. In order to guarantee access, please purchase or renew your membership no later than December 16, 2020.
Below are the current dates for committee meetings:
Monday, January 4
- Minority Issues Committee
- D2 Coaches Advisory Board
- D3 Executive Council
- NAIA Assistant Coaches Committee
- D3 Assistant Coaches Committee
- Rules Committee
Tuesday, January 5
- FCS Executive Council
- D2 Assistant Coaches Committee
- FCS Assistant Coaches Committee
Wednesday, January 6
- FBS Assistant Coaches Committee
If you do not already have a Microsoft Teams account, please click here to create an account.
For more information on committee meetings, please contact Vince Thompson by sending an email to him at [email protected].
New Life Members will have their plaques mailed to them along with their gold Membership Cards. More information on how award winners/Life Members will be honored will be released later this fall.
You are welcome to donate online to our Foundation. Please click here to be directed to our donation page.
In addition, you can make a donation by purchasing a brick to honor a coach in our Plaza of Influence. The Plaza of Influence is a tremendous opportunity for coaches, players, family, friends, or anyone to honor a football coach. Through the American Football Coaches Foundation, you can permanently memorialize the contributions of a special coach at the headquarters of the AFCA. A brick inscribed with the coach’s name is laid in the Plaza of Influence, the only place in the country where football coaches of all levels are recognized for the influence they have on the lives of those they have coached on and off the field.
We are running a special where all bricks are 50% off. Each brick has been reduced to $100. Please click here to learn more details and order online or you can call our office at (254) 754- 9900.
We are currently assessing our options and more information will be released later this fall.
We are currently assessing our options and more information will be released later this fall.
For more information about the AFCA, visit www.AFCA.com. For more interesting articles, check out The Insider and subscribe to our weekly email.
If you are interested in more in-depth articles and videos, please become an AFCA member. You can find out more information about membership and specific member benefits on the AFCA Membership Overview page. If you are ready to join, please fill out the AFCA Membership Application.
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In an abundance of caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 AFCA Convention will be held online. The health and safety of AFCA members was a primary factor in this decision. The annual convention will still include educational sessions, business meetings and awards presentations, all held in a virtual setting.
More Info: 2021 Virtual Convention Info Page
“We appreciate all parties’ tremendous work on our season, our efforts toward our student-athletes and the overall good of college football,” Todd Berry, AFCA Executive Director said. “This has been a difficult year and those efforts are greatly appreciated. In recognition of our many partners’ decisions to postpone seasons, we waited until what we felt was the last minute to transition to a virtual environment. After reviewing Nashville’s roadmap for reopening, there is no definitive date as to when a convention our size could be accommodated. Based off of our timeline, we know this to be our best decision. In the next few months, we now have time to prepare the best possible virtual convention for our AFCA membership. We are excited about the opportunities this brings us in the future to provide more content to our membership. We share the frustration about not having an in-person convention but are excited to reach our members in other ways.”
The dates for the business portion of 2021 AFCA Convention are January 4-7, and the educational portion is scheduled for January 12-14, but are under review as we continue to monitor the global pandemic and its impact on college and high school football seasons. More information on the convention, such as schedule, speakers and online events, will come out soon.
2021 AFCA Virtual Coaching Convention FAQs
Yes. Coaches will still be able to earn PDS/HSCA credits from select sessions during the virtual event and submit them to receive a PDS/HSCA certificate. More information on how to input credits and download/print your certificates is available here.
Visit our website and click the “Login” button in the top right of the screen. Enter your username and password to sign in to the membership portal. If you haven’t logged in since 11/1/2019, send an email to [email protected] to request a reset of your login credentials.
Once in the portal, click on the “Digital Library” link at the top. It should open a new tab/window, so be sure to disable your pop-up blocker. Only those with an active AFCA membership will be able to gain access to the Digital Library.
No. All that is needed will be an active AFCA membership at the time of the event—the membership will give you access to our virtual convention. If your membership expires prior to the event, please purchase or renew your membership so that you have access.
Virtual education sessions from the convention will be made available for viewing throughout the duration of the event (January 12-14, 2021). After the event concludes, videos will temporarily be unavailable. However, they will be made available for on-demand viewing at a later date.
To guarantee access on the first day of the convention, please purchase or renew your membership no later than December 16, 2020. If your membership is currently inactive or was last renewed at or before the 2020 AFCA Convention, please be sure to renew your membership. Your membership must expire AFTER the convention dates (January 12-14, 2021) in order to gain access to the convention materials.
If you wish to renew your entire staff on one transaction, please reach out to our Membership Department by sending an email to [email protected] or calling our office at 254-754-9900.
For a tutorial on how to renew your membership online, please watch the video below.
Those committees that need to meet will be able to conduct their meetings via Microsoft Teams during the week of January 4-7. Links will be sent out prior to the meetings, but only active members will receive emailed links. In order to guarantee access, please purchase or renew your membership no later than December 16, 2020.
Below are the current dates for committee meetings:
Monday, January 4
- Minority Issues Committee
- D2 Coaches Advisory Board
- D3 Executive Council
- NAIA Assistant Coaches Committee
- D3 Assistant Coaches Committee
- Rules Committee
Tuesday, January 5
- FCS Executive Council
- D2 Assistant Coaches Committee
- FCS Assistant Coaches Committee
Wednesday, January 6
- FBS Assistant Coaches Committee
If you do not already have a Microsoft Teams account, please click here to create an account.
For more information on committee meetings, please contact Vince Thompson by sending an email to him at [email protected].
New Life Members will have their plaques mailed to them along with their gold Membership Cards. More information on how award winners/Life Members will be honored will be released later this fall.
You are welcome to donate online to our Foundation. Please click here to be directed to our donation page.
In addition, you can make a donation by purchasing a brick to honor a coach in our Plaza of Influence. The Plaza of Influence is a tremendous opportunity for coaches, players, family, friends, or anyone to honor a football coach. Through the American Football Coaches Foundation, you can permanently memorialize the contributions of a special coach at the headquarters of the AFCA. A brick inscribed with the coach’s name is laid in the Plaza of Influence, the only place in the country where football coaches of all levels are recognized for the influence they have on the lives of those they have coached on and off the field.
We are running a special where all bricks are 50% off. Each brick has been reduced to $100. Please click here to learn more details and order online or you can call our office at (254) 754- 9900.
We are currently assessing our options and more information will be released later this fall.
We are currently assessing our options and more information will be released later this fall.
For more information about the AFCA, visit www.AFCA.com. For more interesting articles, check out The Insider and subscribe to our weekly email.
If you are interested in more in-depth articles and videos, please become an AFCA member. You can find out more information about membership and specific member benefits on the AFCA Membership Overview page. If you are ready to join, please fill out the AFCA Membership Application.